Saturday, August 15, 2009

Dual verb!!!!!

If there exist two verb in a single sentence then we can say there is a dual verb. The construction of verb when there is a dual verb is quiet different. For the first verb we have to always conjugate it according the use of the subject which is also known as semi-auxiliary verb. On the other hand the following verb should be always used in the form of infinitive. It is similar when we use dual verb in English Language too..for eg: I want to buy some books,here want is the semi auxiliary verb conjugated according to the subject and the verb following it is in the form of "to infinitive" i.e. to buy.

for eg> Je veux manger du fromage.(za va magge du fomaz)
I want to eat some cheese.

Il peut marcher 10km par jour.(il pa markhsay di kilometh paakh ju)
He can walk 10km per day.

**However there are many exeption regarding the object pronoun and with reflexive verb while using dual verb in French, which we will see in later portion.

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